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Beautiful dujiangyan——Dream of the green China

来源:     阅读次数:179     发布时间:2014-07-07

I have such a dream in my heart, This dream is like a piece of green born in the desolate desert. It has no reason into my heart and the idea is let my mothercountry full of green vigor everywhere! In my opinion, It is a sincere dream in the eyes of millions of people, Because they want to live in the city with clear green.

The blue sky exudes a touch of anxiety, Plumes of smoke rose to the sky, Floating around, Numerous gas floated up, therefore Blue sky into ink blue, it is in the helpless between faint sadness! This is the blue wipe light shadow over the city!

When people casually dropped waste paper, food bag,The grass and creek feel so helpless, and they can't vent; Countless wastewater flow into rivers, the Originally limpid creek, Now gradually become turbid silting smelly, But who knows how much tears from creek stream in the river; and How many chemicals in the river discarded by people, it gradually engulfed limpid creek.

My dream in my heart, very simple, I just hope the blue sky all the time, The river has been clear, The earth could have been born green, I want to think from our side, start from their own, Conveniently picked up to throw in the underground scraps of paper, never polluted river, never rise that a wisp of exhaust gas, Let us work together for the provincial civilized cityBeautiful dujiangyan---This green China dream!







内七科  柏雨

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